Saturday, May 26, 2007

Kathy' s Art Cards Editions Originals ACEO

"Jackie Hashimoto" commissioned work
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

What's happening on Kauai?

Airport Window Display (Aloha Airlines side)
"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"
Brought to you by Garden Island Arts Council
Funded by a grant through the Hawai'I Tourism Authority
In cooperation with the County of Kaua'I
Office of Economic Development
(open to all passengers in transit)

May 24 - 27, 2007
Kauai Polynesian Festival
Vidinha Stadium
Kamanawa Foundation
Contact: Kapu Kinimaka

Sunday, May 27 10:00 am - 3:30 pm
Banana Poka Festival - Puamana performing
Kokee State Park Kamaloahuluhulu Meadow
Contact: Michelle Hookano, 335-9975

Sunday, May 27, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Kahu 'Aina Art workshops open to ages 5 to 18
Depicting Hawai'i's Native, Indigenous & Cultural Flora
Kahu 'Aina booth at Koke'e State Park Meadow
Awards Ceremony at Princeville Center on September 15, 2007
Presented by Princeville Center, Honu Group,
Garden Island Arts Council, Kaua'I conservation
Contacts: Jacqueline Kozak, 826-5231,,
Carol Yotsuda,

Sunday, May 27, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Ala Palamea Creative Arts & Massage Therapy
An Invitation Into the Creative
4619 Lehua St @Regenerations Botanical Garden House Kapaa
$10, Drop Ins Okay
Contact:, 346-5967

Tuesday, May 29, 2007, 6:30 pm
Ukulele Ohana Night
The Kapa'a Middle School Ukulele Band
Local Musicians
Debut of "AMA JAMMA"
Directed by Mary Lardizabal & Uncle Mark Rossi
Kapa'a Middle School Covered Court
Free and Open to the public

May 29, 11am-1pm & 2pm-4pm, Beginning Origami, Waimea, $10, Marionette
631-9173 or

Wednesday, May 30, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Kauai Chamber of Commerce present
Lunch with Governor Linda Lingle - Legislative Update
Kauai Marriott Resort & Beach Club

Wednesday, May 30, 5:30 - 8:30
Life Drawing Class - supplies provided
Aloha Center
Contact: Martin Wessler,

May 30, 2pm-5pm & 6pm-9pm, Intro to Oriental Style Painting, Waimea, $30,
Marionette 631-9173 or

May 31, 12pm-3pm, Intro to Watercolors - Painting Tropical Flowers,
Waimea, $30, Marionette 631-9173 or

Friday, June 1, 6 - 9 pm
Bruna Stude Thalassa
Photographs 1997 - 2007
TimeSpace Contemporary Art Gallery, Old Hanapepe Town
On view through June 30, 2007
Contact: Antonion Arrellanas, 335-0094

Saturday, June 2, 11 am - l pm
Summer Reading Program
Sponsored by Read to Me International, Coldstone Creamery
& Kukui Shopping Center Merchants
Kukui Grove Shopping Center - Center Stage
Dr. Terry & Joanna Carolan
Mark Jeffers - Russell the Rooseter
MC Ed Ka'ahea, Douglas Odani - balloon man
Rachel & Oba MacKay, author of "Aretha and Her Three Chicks"\
Author Stormy Bradley Cozad to collect reading logs
Contact Janice Bond 639-9201

Saturday, June 2, 11 am to 2 pm
Paniolo Stanley Valorosa presents
"Paniolo Style Saddle Making"
Modern day application of an old time art
Free Admission on Ohana Day
Contact: Kauai Museum, 245-6931, ex 26

June 2, 11am-2pm, Silk Painting Workshop, Waimea, $60, Marionette 631-9173

Saturday - Sunday, June 2 - 3
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, June 7, 8, 9, 10
Weeknights - 7:00 pm
Sundays - 4:00 pm
Women in Theater (WIT) presents
Broadway Musical "CABARET"
Kauai Community College PAC
Tickets: $20 gen/ $10 students 12 - 18
$25 at the door
Show is not suitable for children
Tix Outlets: Olas, Magic Dragon, Kilauea Pharmacy,
Grande's Gems, Vicky's Fabrics, Kmart,
Banana Patch, Kalaheo Café, Aloha-n-Paradise
Book early for limited seating
Romey Curtis

Sunday, June 3, 11:30 AM - 4:00 PM
w/ Hawaii's Most Distinguished Chefs
Silent Auction - 11:30 - 3:00 PM
SPONSOR: Rotary Club of Kapaa Foundation
$75 ADV/$80 DOOR

Sunday, June 3, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Ala Palamea Creative Arts & Massage Therapy
An Invitation Into the Creative
4619 Lehua St @Regenerations Botanical Garden House Kapaa
$10, Drop Ins Okay
Contact:, 346-5967

June 5, 11am-2pm, Silk Painting Workshop, Waimea, $60, Marionette 631-9173

June 6, 2pm-5pm & 6pm-9pm, Intro to Watercolors - Painting Tropical
Flowers, Waimea, $30, Marionette 631-9173 or

June 7, 11am-1pm & 2pm-4pm, Jewelry Making - Create Your Own Charm
Bracelet, Waimea, $12, Marionette 631-9173 or

Saturday, June 9, 2007
4th SOS International Clean Ocean Conference
Community Beach Presentatons 8 - 11
Scientific Conference 9 - 5
Booth Setup 11 - 11:30
Music, Moves, Silent Auction 6 - midnight
Princeville Ballroom
Contact: Captain Paul Clark,

June 9, 11am-2pm, Silk Painting Workshop, Waimea, $60, Marionette
631-9173 or

Tuesday, June 12, 11 am - 2 pm; 3 pm - 6 pm
Silk Painting WS - $60 fee
Marionette: 631-9173,

Wednesday, June 13, 2 - 5 pm; 6 pm - 9 pm
Intro to Acrylics WS - $50 fee
Marionette: 631-9173,

Wednesday, June 13 6:30 door/show 7:30
Legendary blues/rock guitarist JOHNNY WINTER in concert
Special guest - SWAMPDADDY
Kauai Community College Performing Arts Center
Tickets $45 Advance/ $50 Door
Info, (808)337-9234,

Thursday, June 14, 2 - 4 pm; 3 pm - 6 pm
Beginning Origami WS - $10 fee
Marionette: 631-9173,

Thursday, June 14
Kauai Community College
Contact: Noah Evslin

Sat, June 16, 11 am - 2 pm
Intro to Oriental Style Painting WS - $30 fee
Marionette: 631-9173,

Saturday, June 16, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Kahu 'Aina Art workshops open to ages 5 to 18
Depicting Hawai'i's Native, Indigenous & Cultural Flora
Youth Environment Day at NTBG -- Limahuli
Awards Ceremony at Princeville Center on September 15, 2007
Presented by Princeville Center, Honu Group,
Garden Island Arts Council, Kaua'I conservation
Contacts: Jacqueline Kozak, 826-5231,,
Carol Yotsuda,

Saturday, June 16, 5:00 doors/6:30 concert (Honolulu event)
Hoi Mai I Ke Kumu Take A Walk in the Country
Makaha Sons in Concert with
Keali'I Reichel. Melveen Leed, Hoku Zuttermeister,
Kealo Koko, Manu Boyd, Dancers of Halau O Ke A'ali'I Ku Makana
Chinky Mahoe with Halau Hula O Kawaili'ula

Tuesday, June 19, 11 am - 2 pm; 2 pm - 4 pm
Jewelry Making: charm Bracelet WS - $12 fee
Marionette: 631-9173,

Wednesday, June 20, 2 - 5 pm; 6 - 9 pm
Silk Painting WS - $60 fee
Marionette: 631-9173,

Saturday, June 21, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Kahu 'Aina Art workshops open to ages 5 to 18
Depicting Hawai'i's Native, Indigenous & Cultural Flora
Youth Environment Day at Maha'ulepu sink hole
Awards Ceremony at Princeville Center on September 15, 2007
Presented by Princeville Center, Honu Group,
Garden Island Arts Council, Kaua'I conservation
Contacts: Jacqueline Kozak, 826-5231,,
Carol Yotsuda,

Friday, June 22, tentatively 6:30 pm
Marcia Morse slide lecture and discussion on
how to deal with critical Responses to one's art work
Saturday, June 23
Portfolio review for current KSA members
Contact if interested in participating: John Davison, 821-8022

Saturday, June 23, 7:00 pm
Aloha Africa: Ho'ike 2007 Grand Finale Show
A Culture Exchange featuring master drummer Ernest Borketey
Kauai Community College Performing Arts Center
Bring your drum for a jam session with Ernest and Love Trive at the end of the evening; Extra drums will be provided
Ticket outlets and information, visit
Contact: Isa Maria 652-6139

Saturday, June 30, 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
5th Annual Kauai Ukulele Festival
Kukui Grove Center & Roy Sakuma Production hosts
Starbucks 5th Annual Kauai Ukulele Festival
Great Entertainers - Ohta-San, Manoa DNA, Jake Shimabukuro & more
Free ukulele workshop by Roy Sakuma starts at 10:00 am (bring your own ukulele)
Entertainment from 12:00 noon to 4:30 pm
Award winning ukuleles will be given away at the festival, along with other great prizes.
Sponsors: Starbuck, Kukui Grove Center, Kauai Marriott Beach Resort

Summer Bon Dance Schedule at Buddhist Temples:
June 8 - 9: Lihue Hongwanji Mission, 7:45 pm
June 15 - 16: Waimea Shingon Mission (Waimea Valley), 8:00 pm
June 22 - 23 Kapa'a Jodo Mission, 7:30 pm
June 29 - 30 WKH - Waimea Temple (Waimea Valley), 7:45 pm
July 6 - 7: Kapa'a Hongwanji Mission, 7:30 pm
July 13 - 14: Waimea Higashi Hongwanji, 8:00 pm
July 20 - 21: WKH - Koloa Temple, 7:45 pm
July 27 - 28: Hanapepe Zenshuji, 8:00 pm
August 3 - 4: Koloa Jodo Mission, 8:00 pm
August 10 - 11: WKH - Hanapepe Temple, 7:45 pm
(WKH is West Kaua'I Hongwanji)

Go to for
UPCOMING 2007 Arts & Culture Calendar
or email to get listing in advance

Friday, May 25, 2007

I just adore Squidoo. They are so fun with all their cute little messages.... I guess you would have to sign up to know what I am talking about. Even their passwords are cute, I am not kidding.

My art trading cards are progressing. I redid them. I decided to give them more punch. Art is like that... you grow in your seeing the more you do it.

Practice and talent blooms!

Aloha for now... check out my squids and please make a comment here and there.


PS the above pic is me at my one woman show... so fun.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Kathy's ACEO on Squidoo

NEW blogs for my ACEO cards.. Yay!

This is my new blog on Blogspot about my new adventure ACEO cards:

and my new Squidoo (I just ADORE Squidoo):

About my ACEO's:

Fantasy fairies, mermaids, whimsical musicians artwork, whimsical angel drawings, feminist surrealism surreal, fantasy art warrior women,and of course Hawaiian, I am on my way to a new adventure and journey. I will of course continue to add my new art here of course and paint and sculpt new things continually.

ACEO: Art Cards, Editions and Originals. These collectable miniatures are 2.5x3.5. My little original or limited edition art works are lovingly painted with a mixed media which includes: Gouche, Berol colored pencil, water color pencils, acrylics, iridescent 3-D acrylics, glittering confetti 3-D paints and detailed in pen and ink to achieve the effect I am pleased with.
I post previews of my ACEO as well as post what is posted on Ebay. Collect whimsical angels and fairies in art, fantasy art of exotic women and masquerade circus images and feel the magic.

ACEO; Art Cards Editions and Originals, ATC; Art Cards
Fantasy fairies, mermaids, whimsical musicians artwork, whimsical angel drawings, feminist surrealism surreal, fantasy art warrior women,NOW IT BEGINS... YAY!

This is a preview of the items I will be posting on Ebay. Stories or poems will be shown about each fantasy fairy, goddess, cirque fairy, and others as they are created.

So be sure to check out my ACEO Squidoo as well where I will offer new insights as they come along about ACEO, ATC, Ebay and Esty.

I will post all my Ebay into on all of my blogs, My Space and Squidoo when the image below as well as others are posted for auction. Yay! don't you just adore new adventures?

Aloha and Rainbows, Kathy


"The Elegant Fairy" ACEO Mixed media, Kathy Ostman-Magnusen


Monday, May 7, 2007

Hawaiian Travel|Hawaiian Fun Food click HERE

New on the walls at Aloha Outpost Pahoa,Hawaii

I just redid the walls at Aloha Outpost with a fresh look. It is now more provocative. I have also hung works of art that are aloha minded like "The Frog" along with flowers and fine art giclee prints.

"Blue Dress" 24x18 oil on canvas

"Jewel" 24x20 oil on canvas

"The Frog" 24x20 oil on canvas

"Bliss" 24x48 oil, gold leaf, handmade paper on canvas

"3" 40x30 oil on canvas

"Secrets" 48x36 oil on canvas

"Casino" 48x36 oil on canvas

"The Dancer" 48x36 oil, gold leaf on canvas

"Circus" 48x36 oil, gold liner on canvas